ATB Sweden

How do you bake the perfect bread? It’s not technology, it’s not craftsmanship, it’s not passion. It’s a combination of all three. As a professional baker you know that the perfect bread doesn’t just happen. A perfect bread with a solid crust and an appealing texture is a result of craftsmanship, the right ingredients, passion and – the right equipment.


At Revent we are on a quest to provide the ultimate tools for professional bakers to get as close to perfection as possible. That’s why we have opened our test bakeries. They create a new experience for bakers. We have named it for what it is: The Artisan Test Bakery (ATB). At the ATB we provide the latest state-of-the-art equipment in an environment that encourages testing, trying, failing and finally rewarding success.


Our Swedish test bakery is located in Upplands Väsby, outside Stockholm, Sweden. The bakery takes a big part in our continous R&D and production sample testing. It’s ifully equipped, and we put up training sessions and baking demo’s to our customers and prospects. Our professional bakers support at the Revent premises and consult anywhere around the world. The bakery and the adjacent workshop is also a hub for our service program trainings.


  • Fully equipped bakery with state-of-the-art machinery.
  • Bakery process consulting and layout design for all kinds of bakeries.
  • Opportunity to try out all equipment.
  • Available for training and demos.
  • Managed by bakery professionals.
  • Convenient meeting areas for training & conferences.
  • Sales & service training for all industry professionals.
  • Easy access from airport and highway.